1. I never win anything and the fact that I was picked for this opportunity is "Totes Cray". For those who don't know what that means, it's TOTALLY CRAZY AND I COMPLETELY FREAKED WHEN I FOUND OUT BECAUSE I'M A MAKEUP OBSESSED NUTBAG! (OK I'm calm now.)
2. It gives me the chance to try Benefits' most popular mascara "They're Real". If it wasn't for this party and Ipsy, I honestly might never be able to afford to try these products on a regular basics (kids gotta eat). That's not saying I wouldn't splurge for myself every now and then but we all know I don't buy ANYTHING unless it's on sale for close to nothing.
3. I get to share this amazing opportunity with 9 of my closest friends. I've chosen some of the most supportive and good hearted ladies I know and not only do they get to try out some super cool makeup products, but it gives me a chance to show them my appreciation and gratitude for their support and for pushing me to start The Messy Vanity although I really didn't know if I was "good enough" to do it. These ladies have been my rocks through so much in my life and I am so fortunate to know this incredible group of women.
4. This "Lash Bash" will hopefully spread the word on the great products Benefit and Ipsy have and also hopefully get a couple of new followers for The Messy Vanity. ;)
5. Ummm hello... It's a makeup party!!!!
Anyway, shortly after receiving this awesome news, I started to freak! What do I do for games? What will we eat? PRIZES! You can't have games without prizes!! Oh crud, Decorations! Ahhhhhh!!! So much to do, so little time!
About a week later, I received my hostess package. A box full of everything I need to be the "hostess with the mostess"! Opening the box was like opening the doors to heaven (aaaaaah).
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(Pic cred:http://gospellightminutex.com found on Google images)
Ten of everything plus a full sized "They'reReal" mascara as a hostess gift! Ok, now I'm excited!
We're now 2 days away and I think I'm on the right track. I've got my games planned, goody bags ready (Provided by Benefit Cosmetics), I've gone to the exclusive Lash Bash hostess website to get decorative printouts and party ideas and most importantly, I've sent out my invites.
To cut down on cost, I've asked each of my guests to bring an appetizer. Who doesn't love a good potluck?
What's next? Prizes! I have got to go get my game prizes!
Today is the big day and since I did absolutely nothing I had planned on doing yesterday, I need to get on my grind. I'm making my Easy Party Meatballs so I have to get those and I've still gotta get prizes and a few decorations. It is going to be a loooooong day.
House is clean, prizes and decorations are bought. Finishing touches include stuffing gift bags, putting pink and black balloons outside and of course filling my house with some if my favorite scents from Scentsy.
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sugar cookie and baked apple pie |
Party time! Everything is ready to go!
Guests begin to arrive and I can finally breathe and I start to think to myself... " Why am I freaking out? I love being a hostess. I'm surrounded by people who love and support me. I have been chosen to represent Benefit, a fabulous cosmetics company, and Ipsy, both of which I am a huge fan!
Let the games begin! We started the night out with a game called What's in your Purse. This game was a great ice breaker. It's really kind of amazing the things women keep in their purse. It's no wonder why our purses are so heavy. We went on to have Blind Makeup Races in which 2 players had to race to apply a full face of makeup and create a smoky eye without using a mirror! Needless to say, WE WERE HYSTERICAL! A game of Beauty Charades was next. I must admit the clues were quite challenging.
Clue Example:"Breaking your heel while walking up a flight of stairs." & "Holding the dogs back while the pizza guy is at the door and you have lipstick on your nose."
After charades we played Two False and a Real which was really hard for me because my life us such an open book. I had a hard time stumping everyone. Finally, it was time for everyone to try the "They're Real" mascara that they all received in their gift bags.
After a bit more noshing and a few group pics, the Lash Bash was over. Everyone had a great time and I am so grateful that I've gotten this opportunity.
To see the full album of Lash Bash pics and videos, check out The Messy Vanity Facebook page!
Thanks for stopping by The Messy Vanity,
Making amazing meatballs in just a few easy steps.
•Any frozen meatballs
•bottle of barbecue sauce
•grape jelly
Combine bottle if barbecue sauce with 1 cup grape jelly. Pour over meatballs in crock pot. Stir to coat. Turn crockpot on low for 6 hours and ENJOY!
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